Grocery Shopping Statistics

Whether you like it or not, grocery shopping is one of the unavoidable chores. Home Food Delivery services are becoming popular day by day because they take the grocery store to you, removing a lot of the stress and time-consuming shopping visits from your daily life.

Consider the facts and statistics below the next time you're waiting in line for one of the two open cash registers at the grocery store.

Let's take a look at some informative grocery statistics:

1. Grocery Store Sales in the US

Since the 1990s, grocery shop sales have increased considerably. Sales have more than doubled since 1992. In 2021, grocery stores in the United States made $803.05 billion in sales.

2. Online Grocery Sales are Estimated to Increase by 21.5% by 2025

According to a new analysis by grocery e-commerce specialist Mercatus and research firm Incisiv, total online grocery sales would reach 21.5% by 2025, more than doubling their current share of the overall grocery industry.

3. Female Age Group Buy the Most Groceries

On average, grocery shoppers in the United States are 44 years old

  • The average age of female shoppers, who are the ones that do most of the shopping, is 47 years old.
  • The average age of male shoppers is……

4. How often do People go Grocery Shopping?

The average American goes to the grocery store 1.6 times per week.

5. Millennials Prefer Walmart for Grocery Shopping

According to the Omnichannel Grocery Report, 33% of millennials purchase online, compared to 78% who shop at Walmart and 59% who shop at other large national chains.

6. Women Spend More Time on Grocery Shopping

According to grocery shopping data, the woman takes an average of 42 minutes to do the grocery shopping while men take only 39 minutes to achieve the same. Surprisingly, shoppers under the age of 30 require 43 minutes on average, while those aged 30 and up require only 40 minutes.

7. Online Grocery Shoppers by Gender and Generation

According to grocery shopping data, the woman takes an average of 42 minutes to do the grocery shopping while men take only 39 minutes to achieve the same.
Surprisingly, shoppers under the age of 30 require 43 minutes on average, while those aged 30 and up require only 40 minutes.

By Gender
51% Male
49% Female
By Generation
47% Millenials
31% Gen X
19% Baby Boomers
4% Other

8. On Which Day Americans Prefer to do Grocery Shopping

Saturday shopping is preferred by around 41 million Americans. It's not surprising because most people aren't at work. People spend an extra seven minutes in the store on Saturday or Sunday.

9. Busiest Days of Week at Grocery Stores

According to the Time Use Institute, an average of 29-30 million customers spend at grocery stores in the US from Monday to Thursday, compared to 33-41 million shoppers from Friday to Sunday.

10. Male VS Female Grocery Statistics

According to the Time Use Institute, an average of 29-30 million customers spend at grocery stores in the US from Monday to Thursday, compared to 33-41 million shoppers from Friday to Sunday.

11. Grocery Store Market Size 2012-2022

12. How Many Grocery Workers Are There in the US?

As of 2022, 2,886,782 employees work in Supermarkets & Grocery Stores in the United States.

13. Top 10 Retailers by Annual Sales

The rankings of the top 10 food and grocery retailers and wholesalers in the United States and Canada, including supermarkets, mass merchandisers, and dollar stores, are shown in the table below.

14. Online Grocery Shopping by Store Brand

The results of the Statista Global Consumer Survey conducted in the United States in 2021 are given in the statistics on online grocery purchasing by store brands. "Walmart" was chosen by 51% of respondents when asked, "From which of these providers have you ordered groceries, beverages, or meal packages online in the last 12 months?"

15. Sales of Grocery Delivery and Pickup in the US from August 2019 to October 2021

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, sales of grocery delivery and pickup have increased in the United States in 2020. Sales were 1.2 billion dollars in August 2019 and four billion dollars in March 2020, a 233% increase. From March to June, sales increased by an additional 80% before dropping to 5.7 billion dollars in August.

16. Top Advantages of Online Grocery Shopping

53% Saves Time
50% More Convenient
31% Allows you to get items that can’t be found in-store
20% Saves money
19% Provides a huge selection of products
17% Can keep stored shopping list and reorder from it
15% Knows my preference / Shopping history
8% Provides better quality products
7% Provides fresher produce

17. Average Cost of Groceries per Month?

According to data from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics for 2020, the average cost of groceries for American households is $4,942. This translates to around $412 per month. During the pandemic, people are likely to spend more money on groceries since they are eating out less.

18. The Average Weekly Grocery Spending in the US

According to a survey conducted in 2021, 36%of consumers in the United States spend between $50 and $100 a week on online groceries.

19. How Many Shoppers Go to More than One Store for Groceries?

20. What Percentage of Shoppers Take a Written List to the Grocery Store?

Going to the grocery store without a list will almost guarantee you to forget something or spend more money than you planned.


21. Women Use Grocery Coupons More than Men


22. Average Items in a Grocery Store

There were 7,000 grocery items in a store in the 1990s. It is now between 40,000 and 50,000. When it comes to grocery stores, shopping has changed.


After considering all of this information on grocery shopping, now you know when to go to avoid crowds. These statistics provide useful information to business owners, allowing them to improve their plans. In any case, you all need to do grocery shopping on a weekly basis, and these supermarket shopping statistics can help you

Keep Enjoying and Happy Shopping! 😉

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